Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) (OJB)
Key Word Bible Hebrew and Greek
The Arimac Scripture Bible
The Message Bible
The Spirit-Filled Life Bible
Expanded Bible EXB – One of the virtues of The Expanded Bible is that it represents the best of both approaches, offering idiomatic renderings to clearly convey the meaning of the text.
New American Standard Bible
- NASB quote
- Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.
- They shall be grammatically correct.
- They shall be understandable.
- They shall give the Lord Jesus Christ His proper place, which the Word gives Him; therefore, no work will ever be personalized.
The Ancient Hebrew Lexicon Bible is mentioned often in the following Hebrew root studies. I Love it. It gives you a perspective of the Lexicon and the Hebrew Aleph Bet When I study a new passage of Scripture: Jewish Publication Society and the Hebrew Bible in English.
The Complete Word Study – New Testament compiled by Spiros Zodhiates
Commentary Recommendations: (Basic two-volume)
The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the Old and New Testament (Walvoord)
Multi-volume sets: (one to several Books of the Bible per volume)
Spurgeon’s Definitive Collection Quotes
Catalysts Quotes
Authors Quotes
Rabbi Mendel kalmenson
Books By Dr. Frank Seekins’ Living Word Pictures and Dr. Jeff Benner’s Ancient Hebrew Research Center will help you understand more about the ancient Hebrew language in pictographs.
BLB Institute Course
Holy Language Institute courses online. I’m in my fourth year. I recently registered at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem online courses.