In Part 2 of my journey, I have been in awe of how prophetic words clear the clouds of uncertainty from my path and illuminate my way.
First Steps Forward on My Journey
I accepted the Lord when I was nine and baptized in a Southern Baptist Church in Fultondale, Alabama.
At 28, I was in deep shadows of depression, and it was trying to destroy me. My physical weight had dropped drastically.
It felt like nothing could pull me out of that darkness. But one night, I hit my knees and cried out to the Lord. My sweet Mother was there. She laid her hand on my shoulder and prayed the truth of God’s word over me. In that moment, I surrendered everything—my fears, my pain, my whole life—back to Jesus.
My Mother witnessed a miracle. She said, “For 45 minutes, I was caught up in the presence of the Lord, worshiping and praising Him.”
I felt the Holy Spirit fill me up! I started praying in tongues. Fear and depression no longer had a hold on me. I was clean and no longer desired to return to my old ways. I was free,
and my mind was no longer in bondage.
When the Lord Jesus delivered me, I realized how powerful His Word and love are! I sing and shout His Word because I want everyone to know the freedom and joy of knowing Jesus.
Remember, no matter what you’re facing, Jesus is there, ready to change your life!
My Mothers’s prayer was the lifeline;
God’s word was thrown to my soul just in time.
I realize now even when I couldn’t see what was ahead, God had a plan for my life.
Salvation and rededication
In Christianity, salvation is being saved from sin and its consequences through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Rededication is recommitting to Christ and living in a way that reflects salvation.
So whether you take that first step into salvation for the first time or feel the gentle nudge to rededicate your life, know that God’s arms are wide open. He delights in our return.
Prophetic Words
Prophetic Moments
I’m writing about moments in my journey when a prophetic word was given to me.
The letter
I remember a moment in 1988, standing in a church, my voice lifted in worship. A missionary and his wife were sharing their journey, and while he spoke, she diligently scribbled notes. I thought she was simply capturing her husband’s words, but little did I know, she was penning a prophecy straight from the heart of God for me.
Only in the space of my heart could God know.
Yet I had never met this woman. The words in the letter pierced through my uncertainty, affirming the truths I sought in Scripture. I still have that beautiful letter. It’s yellowed through time, yet it becomes fresh and new when I hold it, remembering when she handed it to me.
Because Prophecy never ages.
That day marked the beginning of a relentless path on my journey, a call to keep my gaze fixed firmly ahead, refusing to be swayed by distractions or fear. God had a plan, gently guiding and reminding me to stay on course.
Discernment is crucial
Just because someone claims to Prophesy doesn’t mean they’re a true prophet or prophetess. We need to be discerning about the titles people assign to themselves. Remember, not every voice claiming to speak for God is genuine. I do not receive pathetic words; I listen only to prophetic words, continuously measuring what I hear against the Word.
It’s essential to critically evaluate teachings and prophecies against established scripture and be mindful of the motivations behind those claiming spiritual authority. This approach encourages a thoughtful and grounded understanding of faith, helping to protect against misinformation and misrepresentation.
It is not valid if what is said is not rooted in scripture. Stay vigilant, and let the Holy Spirit guide your understanding!
An accurate Prophetic word lives deep within my heart and echoes across my mind forever.
A confirming word
One evening, I was with the musicians on the worship team, going over a new song, when, out of nowhere, this lady bursts in! We all are a little stunned. She is out of breath, her cheeks are flushed, and she looks straight at me. She says, “I have a message from the Lord for you! The Holy Spirit showed me your face, and I had to tell you immediately.”
Her voice was firm as she started speaking Jeremiah 12:5-6 and I was standing there, trying to soak it all in.
The Lord Answers Jeremiah
Jeremiah 12:5-6
“So, Jeremiah, if you’re worn out in this footrace with men,
what makes you think you can race against horses?
And if you can’t keep your wits during times of calm,
what’s going to happen when troubles break loose
like the Jordan River in the flood?
Those closest to you, your brothers and cousins,
are working against you.
They’re out to get you. They’ll stop at nothing.
Don’t trust them, especially when they’re smiling.
She finished speaking, but then, as if about to leave, she turned around and said, “You’ll take the land because you don’t see the giants!” It was so matter-of-fact like she was delivering the most powerful truth ever—and then, just like that, she was gone.
I was utterly overwhelmed, and so was everyone there. I dropped to my knees, feeling all sorts of emotions. I knew it was the Lord preparing me for what was coming.
You’ll never know how those words held me under tremendous pressure when they were confirmed years later.
My journey to LA
I was asked to come to LA to a meeting for eight women Pastors in the Ministry. We were to share our testimonies.
When the plane landed, I went to retrieve my luggage, but it was gone.
So, there I was, waiting for my luggage at the airport, feeling a bit frustrated when I noticed a young girl nearby. I didn’t think much of it at first, but then I remembered a scripture on the plane, “The lost Son,” that I had read in Luke. I thought, “Hmm, that doesn’t really fit right now.”
After a while, they announced that our luggage would be delayed for another hour—apparently, it had been sent out on a different flight. That’s when I felt a nudge in my heart. I thought, “Why not ask her to lunch? We might as well enjoy some good food while we wait!”
We ordered, and as we were chatting, I introduced myself. When she told me her name, she asked why I had come to LA. I answered that I had journeyed to LA for a pastor’s meeting to share my testimony. Suddenly, her face went pale, like all the color had drained out of it. I thought, “Oh no, what just happened?” And then, without a word, she jumped up and dashed to the restroom.
A few minutes later, she returned with tears streaming down her face, her mascara a total mess. I reached out my hand to her, and she began to pour out her heart, trembling as she spoke. She told me about how her dad was a pastor and how she had grown up in a Spirit-filled church, but she had run away from home. She was waiting for her luggage because she was about to meet her pimp at a hotel. My heart shattered for her.
We talked long after our luggage arrived, and in that moment, I could see a flicker of hope in her eyes. She was ready to turn her life around. Together, we prayed the sinner’s prayer, and I watched as all the pain she had been carrying seemed to lift instantly. Before she called her dad, I prayed with her one more time.
When he picked up the phone and said hello, he heard, “Daddy, I’m coming home.”
I knew right then that God had a plan for all of this.
He lost our luggage on purpose—He delights in our return because the lost daughter was found.
Isn’t it amazing how God can turn our frustrations into divine encounters?
He prepared that scripture and His prophetic word was fulfilled.
Personal Prophecy
Well, it is hard to express the emotion of personal prophecy and how it can bring clarity and confirmation to our lives. When the Holy Spirit whispers Christ’s plans into our hearts, Prophetic words become a divine connection that helps to direct our path on our journey.