I bought this small frosted blue glass bottle of perfume oil. It stays on longer, and its depth of rich, fresh, clean scent carrying notes of sandalwood and ginger root are followed by hints of spicy cinnamon and cloves over a smooth base of warm vanilla, but my favorite is the (ber ga mot) ‘barge, mät; an oily substance extracted from the rind of the fruit of the Seville orange.
When the kids were little, we would go on vacations, heading to the beach and eating 🍊oranges.
As we savored the juicy sweetness of oranges, I couldn’t resist the urge to bend the rinds, releasing their fragrant essence into the air. It was a moment of pure delight; the fresh, citrus scent would linger in the air long after eating the oranges. Smelling orange sent today reminds me of the fun times we had together on those vacations. It’s incredible how something as small as an orange rind can hold so much memory.
My first job was at a cosmetic and perfume counter. There, I learned that the oils on the skin capture and retain scent molecules, heightening the longevity of a particular fragrance. Your skin’s pH level decides how any fragrance will interact. The skin’s pH level is a measure of its acidity or alkalinity. That’s why I love perfume oil.
I think reading sheet music is like reading a love letter from the Creator of music Himself. As you gaze upon the notes and symbols, a symphony of sounds dances in your mind, creating a melody that resonates deep within your soul. Just as a painter uses colors to evoke emotion, a musician uses sheet music to bring a piece to life. Just as fragrance is like a symphony, a beautiful melody of scents dancing together perfectly. The composer carefully selects each note to create the music, as does a perfumer, who blends the top, middle, and bottom notes to create a unique fragrance.
The top notes are like the opening chords of a song: light and refreshing; they grab our attention and draw us in. They are the first impression, setting the stage for the journey ahead. Think of them as the bright, joyful moments that make us smile.
Smelling the fragrance, you will encounter the heart notes, the soulful melody that stirs our emotions and captivates our senses. Like the chorus of a song, they are the essence of the fragrance, rich and complex, of floral, fruity, or spicy tones that resonate within us.
And finally, we come to the base notes, the solid foundation upon which the fragrance rests. Like a cello’s deep, resonant tones, they add depth and longevity to the scent, lingering on our skin long after the top and middle notes have faded away. They are the comforting, warm embrace that lingers throughout the day.
Just as a symphony can transport us to another world, so too can a fragrance evoke memories, emotions, and experiences that enrich our lives. It is a work of art, a masterpiece of scent that speaks to our hearts and souls.
This is the image I see and almost can smell reading and writing this,
The anointing of Jesus’ feet is recorded in the four gospels
Matthew 26:6–13; Mark 14:3–9; Luke 7:36–50; John 12:1–8
In the presence of the Messiah, Mary’s heart was filled with a deep and pure love that couldn’t be contained. With a jar of expensive oil in her hands, she poured out her devotion on the feet of Jesus, a beautiful act of worship that spoke volumes without saying a word. But you would be enveloped in the fragrance.
The room was filled with the sweet aroma of the perfumed oil, a fragrance that symbolized Mary’s deep respect and adoration for the Savior. At that moment, she recognized Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah, the anointed one who would bring hope and salvation to the world.
Mary’s act of anointing was more than just a gesture – it was a powerful declaration of her faith in Jesus’ divine nature. As the oil touched His head, she honored His true identity and the purpose for which He had come.
The lingering scent of the oil served as a reminder of the sacrifice that Jesus would soon make for all of humanity. Mary’s act of devotion foreshadowed the ultimate anointing that would take place on the cross, where Jesus would offer Himself as a sacrifice for our sins.
As we reflect on Mary’s beautiful act of worship, may we be inspired to pour out our love and devotion at the feet of the Messiah. Let us offer Him our most precious gifts, recognizing His grace and love in our lives. Like Mary, may we bow down in humility and gratitude, welcoming Jesus as our King and Savior.
Philippians 4:18
Let’s worship as Mary did boldly declaring the truth about Jesus, just as she did when she proclaimed Him as the promised Messiah. Let’s not cower in fear; instead, let’s courageously share the life-changing message of Christ with those around us. The world is hungry for the hope and salvation that only Jesus can offer. Let’s embrace our faith without reservation and stand firm in our convictions. Now is the moment to take matters into our own hands and make a lasting impact on the lives of others. Let’s be a beacon of light and love in a world that is in desperate need of both. So go forth, and let your faith shine brightly for all to see!
Hebrews 13:15
15 So through Jesus let us ·always [continuously] offer to God our sacrifice of praise, ·coming from [L which is the fruit of] lips that ·speak [profess; acknowledge]his name.
Are you familiar with the term Messiah (the Savior or Redeemer)? Yet not everyone knows that this word is of Hebrew origin. In Ancient Israel, the kings were crowned with oil poured over their heads. This sacred ritual was called meshichaמשיחה or “anointing”. Because of this, the king was then called the mashiach משיח or the “anointed one.”
The Hebrew word messiah became the Greek christos : Christ and the followers of Jesus were called Christians.
In the quiet room, among the murmurs of disbelief, Mary’s act spoke volumes. Her heart overflowed with love for Jesus, and every drop of expensive perfume she poured out was a fragrant offering to Him alone. She didn’t need to fully grasp the significance of her actions; her love spoke louder than words.
Her anointing was more than a lavish display; it was a sacrifice of love, a prophetic act pointing to the impending sacrifice Jesus would make for all humanity. With humility and devotion, she knelt at His feet, using her hair to anoint Him, showing a depth of servanthood and reverence that touched the heart of Jesus.
In that moment, Mary exemplified what it means to love and serve Jesus wholeheartedly, without reservation. Her act of worship was not just a one-time event but a lifelong commitment to honor and adore the Savior. May we, like Mary, pour out our love and devotion to Jesus with abandon, recognizing His worthiness and sacrificing our all for His glory.
A memorial to this woman who anoints Jesus before His death.
For in pouring this fragrant oil on My body, she did it for My burial.
And when Jesus was in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, a woman came to Him having an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil, and she poured it on His head as He sat at the table. But when His disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, “Why this waste? For this fragrant oil might have been sold for much and given to the poor.” But when Jesus was aware of it, He said to them, “Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a good work for Me. For you have the poor with you always, but Me you do not have always. For in pouring this fragrant oil on My body, she did it for My burial. Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her”
What this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her.
Jesus said that the story of the woman anointing him would be told wherever the gospel is preached.
Fragrance is a journey from the first impression to the lasting memory, an exploration of how scents can evoke emotions and memories.