There are so many songs with the word Rain in them. ☔️ Can you remember a few?
CCR had a couple:
- Who’ll Stop the Rain
- Have You Ever Seen the Rain
These were songs by Creedence Clearwater Revival out during the Vietnam War.
The Vietnam Vets said this about rain during their time In Vietnam.
They said that the rain and the river itself were not the only wet things there. Because from about the beginning of November to the end of February (monsoon season), almost constant rain is falling.
“We were never dry and did not have coverage and protection from the elements. It was hot and muggy, lots of humidity, lots of insects.”
“We went to bed and it would be raining. When we woke up, it was raining. We marched and we crawled in the rain all day and night long.”
Quoted by two Veterans
“Operation Popeye “The chemical weather modification program to cause more rain.
The Defense Department has acknowledged to Congress that the Air Force and Navy participated in extensive rain‐making operations in Southeast Asia. From 1967 to 1972, in an attempt to slow the movement of North Vietnamese troops by rain, floods, and mud, supplies would not get through to the Ho Chi Minh Trail network.
Testimony made public showed a considerable disagreement within the Pentagon about the military value of the top-secret rain‐making effort.
Charles Finney (Prayed for Rain)
Finney was best known as a passionate revivalist.
In 1853, there was a long-lasting drought in Ohio.
Farmers were in danger of losing their entire livelihood of all their crops and livestock. In a desperate attempt, they sent a message to the evangelist living in Ohio, Charles Finney, asking him to come and pray for rain. The whole community gathered at the town square to hear this man of God who would pray for rain that would save their farms and their livelihoods.
The crowd watched Charles Finney walk into town, up to the podium in the town square carrying an umbrella.
His first words reportedly were: “I see I am the only one who brought an umbrella.”
He then preached a short sermon on faith, then setting his umbrella down by his chair; then he began to pray, “Lord, we do not presume to tell you what is best for us. You invite us to come to you as children to a father and tell you all of our wants. We need rain. Unless you give us rain, our cattle will die, and our harvest will come to nothing.; It is an easy thing for you to do, O Lord, send us rain.”
Of course, the rest is history. As God immediately answered the prayer, it began Raining. This man of faith reminded a people of something called little faith.
I love this quote
“Rain was nothing more than an instructor and teacher in one’s exploration of the heart of God.”
Several times in the Old Testament, God had his prophets effectively seal up the heavens at his bidding, and again, they would speak His word, and God would send rain.
At the end of verse 3 Hoses 6:3
..He comes as rain comes, as spring rain refreshing the ground.”
Rain- brechō #G1026
Rain and Rain Shower, send Rain.
Elijah and the Drought
James and Luke say the drought lasted for three and a half years.
Jas 5:17 – Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might G1026 ➔ not rain: G1026 and it rained G1026 not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.
“Certainly, there were many needy widows in Israel in Elijah’s time, when the heavens were closed for three and a half years, and a severe famine devastated the land.
—Luke 4:25
🖼️ God the gardener
This paints a beautiful picture in Deuteronomy Our God the Gardener. This needs a frame and hung on a wall.
But the land you are about to cross the river and take for your own is a land of mountains and valleys; it drinks water that rains H4305 from the sky. It’s a land that God, your God, personally tends—he’s the gardener—he alone keeps his eye on it all year long.
Deuteronomy 11:11-12 The Message
We need both.
The early rain and the latter rain: The early rain fell in October and November and was essential to help soften the ground for plowing and preparing the soil for the seed. The latter rain fell about April and helped the crops come to final harvest.
I love this;
A land for which the LORD your God cares; the eyes of the LORD your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year.
Gates are open to relieve floodwaters

I’m still learning about this new area and the Kentucky Lake & Dam is a hydroelectric facility.
The most significant part of its purpose is that it is renewable; rainfall will continually renew the lake, so there will always be water for the dam.
The only way this natural reservoir can serve the entire area is if it is continually replenished… from the sky by nature, utterly dependent on “the heavens” in a very authentic and practical way.
Like us, we need physical and spiritual water to survive.
A little History

At Eddyville, Kentucky all of the Cumberland, Tennessee, Ohio, and Mississippi River basins were affected by this flood. Old-timers say that it rained every day from the first to the twenty-first day of January.
In the end, the flood of 1937 caused the deaths of 385 People and damages of up to $500 million. After the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and President Franklin D. Roosevelt sent thousands of workers to affected cities with food and supplies, the flooding finally decreased, and some peace was now back in those flooded cities. With this flood, the Tennessee Valley Authority decided that something had to be done to manage all the flooding in the Kentucky area. The Tennessee Valley Authority agreed to construct the 8,422-foot-long and 206-foot-high dam that now stands on the county line of Livingston County and Marshall County. The construction of this dam has saved many lives and many people’s houses and possessions, which could have been taken over the years due to another devastating flood occurring, like the flood of 1937.
I heard someone say this;
“I remember the words of an old farmer who had lost two consecutive crops due to a drought. He merely said: “The rains will come, they always do.” The lack of rain can be just as much of an instruction from God’s heart as the abundance of rain.
Rain /yarah. Verb. (Strong’s 3384).
Yarah means both rain and instruction.
The Hebrew word,תּוֹרָה yarah is derived from the primitive 3-letter Verb Root, יָרָה Yarah, an archery term meaning to Point, Throw, Cast, Shoot, Flow as Water, to Direct, Teach, or Instruct. It also contains the Sub-rootאוֹר Oor, meaning Light.
The Word Points like a Light in the Way of Truth and Life. יָרָה Yarah illustrates its meaning:
John 14:6
Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.
The Hebrew word, to teach, also meant to shoot, to aim, to direct, Rain down.
Isaiah 2:3 says
“There he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths.”
Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
— John 8:31-32